Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 is Released

Download version 5.2.5 from Get lupu-525.iso or explore the folder.
Download version 5.2.5 from Get lupu-525.iso or explore the folder.
MD5 Checksum: b6658ab75cd5d48f358f0ee31b06b934
ISO Size: 128MB

desktop image of lupu 525
Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 desktop with first-run and browser wizards.

New in Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 (released April 2, 2011):

  • Bash 4.1.0, Syslinux 4.03, e2fsprogs 1.41.14, JWM 500, Gnumeric 1.10.13;
  • updated PBurn and Gnome-MPlayer 1.02;
  • built from Woof of February 26, 2011.

Lucid Puppy 5.2 (released January 5, 2011):

  • is still compatible with Ubuntu packages;
  • has QuickSet for point-and-click desktop configuration;
  • has QuickPet for updates, diagnostics, and package installs;
  • has alternative window managers (XFCE, Fluxbox) through the package manager;
  • includes language packs for 11 different languages;
  • a true Puppy Linux built using Woof, the magical build script of Chief Developer Barry Kauler.

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